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Code of Practice

© 2017-2021  Pole Passion Ltd. All rights reserved

The code of practice is a system of self-regulation for all instructors, coaches, trainers and teachers who are involved in supervising people who take part in physical activity programs on and around pole or aerial apparatus, and provides a framework for individual instructors so that they can achieve the highest standards of professionalism.​​​

To achieve this, instructors are expected to:

  • have gained a recognised and approved certification or qualification in pole and / or aerial tuition, appropriate for the level and discipline they teach 

  • have public liability and professional indemnity insurance specific to pole and / or aerial tuition and ensure they comply with insurance requirements for safe practice

  • have a current Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) qualification, or international equivalent

  • have safe aerial equipment that is professionally manufactured and fitted to manufactures specifications

  • have a minimum 2mtrs distance between pieces of aerial equipment, walls or other objects or barriers

  • have a system of documented equipment maintenance and check equipment is safe and clean before every class

  • have safety mats when teaching inverts and where considered appropriate for Health & Safety reasons

  • not have more than 3 beginner/intermediate students or 2 advanced students to a piece of equipment when teaching

  • not allow students to go higher than 3mtrs from the ground on the equipment, or to adhere to insurance height regulations if specified

  • not allow any student who is, or is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs from participating in any pole or aerial class.


In addition, instructors are expected to teach in an environment that:

  • Is an appropriate size and height for the activity being taught

  • Is clean and free of environmental hazards 

  • Is an appropriate temperature for the activity being taught

  • Has sufficient lighting, both inside the venue and in the entrance / exit areas, including emergency lighting

  • Has appropriate access points which are free of hazards

  • Has a working, maintained fire alarm system, fire exits and a fire safety statement (commercial properties)

  • Has clean, safe toilet and washing facilities

  • Has a designated first aider (which may be the instructor themselves when the venue is hired) and access to a first aid kit (which may be supplied by the instructor)




Copyright © 2017-2021 Pole Passion Ltd. 

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author. For permission requests, email 'theteam' marked “Attention: Permissions Coordinator”. Permission is granted in the case of (a) brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law, or (b) where the author Kay Penney and source are clearly identified. 

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